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I am coming!

dusjagr aka Pakdeh Marcjono

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr is a nomadic researcher and workshopologist. He is part of the Center for Alternative Coconut Research, co-founder of SGMK, Bitwäscherei Hackerspace Collective and the Hackteria network. Before travelling the world for making DIY / DIWO laboratories for creative biological experimentation with living media, Marc entered the world of DIY electronics, designing printed circuit boards for synthesizers and organizing workshops and festivals mostly in Zürich, Taipei and Yogyakarta. He also loves coconuts.


lets see:

BUT ACTUALLY i dont want to do any of that, i just want to bring my drumset and electrify it (Simon style but actually not because i already did that in 2006, so...)

i NEED / WE need:

  • a JAM ROOM
  • a LOUD room


Hack camera accessories: Repro stand, microscope (hackteria) from drill stand. And some crazy filters, extension tubes, lens reverser.

Old monitors will be converted to light boxes, view finders. The polarizers, Fresnel lenses... salvaged from them will be converted to camera and lighting filters.

The result (if time allows):

  • HiRes microscope
  • Focus Sweeping through microorganisms while recording video (-> optical tomography)
  • Edge detect the individual images of the video
  • Vectorize and convert to 3D printer or laser cutter understandable files
  • 3D print enlarged microorganisms (or laser cut layer by layer)

I bring along: drill stand, old screens & monitors, high CRI LEDs, camera, Arduino...

I need: Beamer, 3D printer or laser cutter file format knowledge (and maybe even the device)

Oli J

I will work on sync and trigger in off old organ drum.

making a midi controller with Attiny

I bring a mixer and p.a. speakers


My project: Modify Bastl 60 Knobs software so that it sends Midi SysEx Parameter Changes to DSI Evolver. Or else I join other project initiators or project initiators.

Ralf S

- will work on new simple electromechancal instruments

- further research on low voltage ocillators (together with Maya & Miranda)

- will offer the "starvation synth" workshop and bring some DIY-Kits

Nicolas (sound-force.nl)

Happy to join this year once again! I will be working on a desktop polyphonic synth project inspired by the Juno synths. I am also taking all my pizza gear like 2 years ago. So pizza lunches are possible, and as I have 2 hacked ovens now, pizza dinner is potentially possible depending on the total mouths to feed :) Also open/interested to help/collaborate with anything stm32, MIDI, manufacturing/assembly of electronics and embedded systems for music.

Urban B

Once again I'm in for enjoying the event and making improvised music. I just don't know already, which instruments I will take with me. The goal is not to create or buy new gears, but to finish, fix and bring together the instruments I already have in a hopefully fresh and useful way.

Possible Workshops:


Since I come with the kids, the very first thing is to make them happy. We're coming with curiousity about the mountains and what you all are doing and want to mirror this in drawings and paintings. The dwarfs wanna build an eternal mirror.

From Dresden I'll bring tools and instruments for hacking and the jam. Tell me if you need something I can transport on the move. My main project is to step forward the Neopixel Switch hack. Second I wanna build a stable VGA Generator with ATtiny or ESP for the next level RGBend FX kit. And the ATtiny FX idea, And and ... but maybe that's all too much.

I will have a selection of [noisio.de] kits you can build over the days (or nights).



  • t(h)inker sliding mechanism for https://mkbd65.xengi.de/
  • learn KiCad
  • build smth with the LED drähtli
  • play around with wooden structures, build leonardomes and -bridges
  • go for a trek/hike to säntis!
  • maybe knot-workshop?


  • Mini Keyboard Project (carrying first prototype along: https://mkbd65.xengi.de/
  • New batch LED-Draht-Lämpli, warmweiss, 3v, lackdraht
  • Some (broken) solar stuff
  • Leonardo-Dome-Pieces, see workshops from last year


  • 3D-Printer with TPU and other materials, ppl that wanna join a hike!
  • KiCad Workshop/Teacher for the mkbd65 project


i float around with some:

  • distortions, bit crushers, filters and drone synths
  • FV-1 research wit HEK

i bring a workshop with my new

  • Drone Slider Synth. this workshop is only for hardcore smd solder professionals. 10 Ic's!!!


  • Arduino: experiments with Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
  • Processing: experiments concerning domain coloring
  • Mountains: tour to Speer



  • CMOS555-Theremin workshop : build a simple (only pitch control) true analog Theremin. Kit w. case & Antenna 15,- SF


  • workshop "ChatGPT & Co : state of the art applications in coding, electronic design, music & sound generation, prompt generation ..."


  • 3D data printing
  • Creative coding in statistical software R (rgl)
  • Visual Data Art


Still considering...


With Ucup, Irma and Leo

  • Ethical Hardware Kit (with Patricia J. Reis)
  • feminist hacking
  • decolonial computing

https://stefaniewuschitz.at/ www.feministhacking.org https://www.mzbaltazarslaboratory.org/ https://salonofopensecrets.at/