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This is the official Wiki of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society.

The Swiss Mechatronic Art Society (SGMK, established in 2006) is a collective of engineers, hackers, scientists and artists that joined to collaborate and promote on creative and critical uses of technology. They develop DIY technologies and organize collaborative events, such as a yearly research-camp in the mountains and local regular workshops in electronics, robotics, physical computing, diy-biology, lofi-music etc. They run a public hacker space „MechArt Lab“ (since 2009) and organize the international diy* festival, held every year in Zürich since 2005. Internationally they have cooperated on the organisation of 2008 - 2010 in Taiwan, and the KIBLIX Festival 2011 in Maribor, Slovenia. They also cooperate with various socio-cultural organisations, such as IngCH, Technorama, Universikum, Dynamo Zürich and Bug'n'Play, to hold creative technology courses at schools and youth communities. With the „diy makeaway“, a series of mini-workshops for kids and other open-minded people, they have been present in Switzerland and internationally at various exhibitions and festivals, such as SHIFT Festival in Basel, Copy!, Poolloop and Dorkbot in Zürich, Les Digitales in various locations, MediaLab Prado in Madrid, CTM.09 in Berlin, CEMA in Bangalore, Cellsbutton#03, #04, #05 in Yogyakarta, Tinguely Museum in Basel, Piksel 2010 in Bergen, Interfiction 2010 in Kassel, ISEA2010 in Dortmund, Mal-au-Pixel 2011 in Paris, Fête de la cité 2011 in Paris, Electron Festival 2011 in Geneva, CYW Ars Electronica 2011 in Linz, Dimension+ in Hong Kong, EPFL's Festival de Robotique 11/12 in Lausanne and many more.