Main Page
Welcome to the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society Wiki!
Everyone is welcome to register and contribute to the wiki! Let's make it big!
To register or edit you need the code: transist0r
- HOME MADE 2024 - DIY Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche
- Archipelago - Art and Science Investigations in Times of Unstable Knowledge
- HOME MADE 2023 - DIY Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche
- International Open Hackerspace Day 2023 - Bitwäscherei
- HOME MADE 2022 - DIY Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche
- SGMK X-mas Umtrunk 2021
- SGMK on-Tour 005: Chill & Taste, St. Gallen
- HOME MADE 2021 - DIY Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche
- HOME MADE 2020 - DIY Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche
- SGMK On-Tour: WERK Spionage - 27. Feb - 1. Mar 2020 (Basel)
- Bitwäsching se Fjutscher - 1. Feb 2020 (L200, Zürich)
- SGMK on tour: odenwilusenz - 20/21 Sept. 2019
- Flick the World 2019
- HOME MADE 2019 - Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche für DIY-, Technologie- und Kunstprojekte
- DIY Gathering - Flick the World 2018
- KitSprint @ ANORG 2018 - Forschungswochenende in Zürich 23-25. Feb Shenzhen Ready
- HOME MADE 2018 - Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche für DIY-, Technologie- und Kunstprojekte
- HOME MADE 2017 - Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche für DIY-, Technologie- und Kunstprojekte
- ANYMA 2016
- HOME MADE 2016 - Forschungs- und Arbeitswoche zum 10 Jahre Jubel
- Festival der Mechatronischen Künste 10 Jahre Jubiläum 2016
- Faker Faire
- KIBLIX 2011
- HOME MADE 2007
- Archive HOME MADE
- Join the Fun - Find out about the new location and the other members of the shared space COVID-19 Schutzkonzept on Bitwäscherei Wiki (login required). Downlöoad most recent .pdf
- Workshops
- MechArtLab NutzerInnen
- MechArtLab goes Bitwäscherei - Join the Fun
- Hacker-in-Residence Programme
- sans-les-murs - von Februar bis Ende April 2020 im Fablab Zürich
- OpenLab - Every tuesday, 8pm
- MechArtLab - Our hackerspace in Zurich
- MechArtLab Infrastructure - Know the tools!
- MechArtLab Wishlist - Wish list for parts and tools for the lab
- EGO Labs - Tinker tools available for the community
- Projects - Project documentation
- Water Project - Resources & ideas for DIY water analysis and treatment
- L200_showcase - Our window to the world
- Workshops - Workshop pages
- SGMK admin - Meeting Infos
- Bitwäscherei - Meeting Infos
- Parts - Find the right parts
- treasure_trove - Fundgrube Suche / Biete
- Partners/Links - Find out more about our partners
- Help - How to use this wiki (insert videos, images, calendar etc.)
- Feedback - Your feedback is important for us!
Festivals and Events
Bitwäscherei - die Hackerspace WG
join us at
visit bitwäscherei at
IRC (for oldschool people)
join us on #mechatronicart
Overview of SGMK mailing lists and subscription options
makers list is an open discussion list for the maker community hosted by the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society. Anything related to activities, hacking, electronics, calls for help, special announcments, invitations etc. may be posted to the list. !!!subscribe!!!
Dedicated mailing tool (Django) to communicate to all SGMK members.
Banking Account
Nr: 85-690767-2
IBAN: CH42 0900 0000 8569 0767 2
Bank: PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Schweiz
Begünstigter: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Mechatronische Kunst SGMK, 8004 Zürich