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International festival KIBLIX, Maribor, Slovenia 18 – 23 NOV, 2011

Mednarodni festival KIBLIX, Maribor, Slovenija, 18. – 23. november 2011

general intro, Shift from DIY to DIWO? partner festival MFRU, maribor 2012

KibliX & Mfru... two festivals - one party

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011


Education. Workshops. Installations. Performances. Presentations. Lab.

Izobraževanje. Delavnice. Instalacije. Performansi. Predstavitve. Laboratorij.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011


KIBLIX 2011 Educational Program - festival as a lab - will have a strong focus on education, hands-on making, collaboration and sharing of knowledge. The educational program is, on one side, addressing emerging artists to participate in professional / advanced workshops and exhibiting the outputs during the festival, and on the other side is reaching out to the public and the youth with various mini-workshops on creative and playful technology&art projects.

KIBLIX 2011 Festival - festival as a cultural performance - aims to be a platform where artists, who are hungry to know what researchers are doing and thinking, and researchers, jealous to know of artistic experimentation come together to explore, discuss and share their ideas.

Partner Festival MFRU will happen at the same time also in Maribor. With its long tradition as an international computer arts festival they invited an interesting program of a/v performances, in collaboration with Optofonica (NL) and will have various Slovenian artists exhibiting and giving presentations. More on

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011


Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

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Source(s): KIBLIX 2011



KIBLIX history (see archive, KIBLA in general (, connection and histrory with MFRU, Maribor and capitol of culture 2012 etc

KIBLA is a Slovenian presentation and production institution for the field of multimedia and intermedia art and culture. Our year-round activity comprises traditional (“excluded”) media, yet they are applied in a different context to support the historical continuity of visual art as well as increased aesthetisation and integration of digital media. We support the principles leading to complex multimedia presentation systems. KIBLA has been part of the process of intermedialising and digitalising culture and art from its very beginnings. We support intensely experimental and specific projects in the field of intermedia art, introduce creative and practical uses of sophisticated technologies to the field of culture, the eventual (and also utopian) aim being to support functionally the existing networks that seek to digitalise, present and decentralise culture in Slovenia and Europe.

Celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2011, KIBLA is a member of numerous international associations: Full member of European Multimedia Forum – Brussels, Member of Culture Action Europe – Brussels, Co-founder and member of M3C – Multimedia Centres Network of Slovenia, Member of International Federation of Multimedia Associations (FIAM-IFMA) – Montreal, Canada

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

KIBLA & SGMK Co-Curation

Curational Statement

marc, dejan, pei, miha

From The Cabinet of Curiosity to Days of Wonder, for the last 200 years, public appreciation of knowing and understanding art, technology and science has transformed from a closed circle to an open field. The experience of participating hands-on enhances the experience of sharing while doing – a priceless ideology stepping forward into practice. " Share is in the Art" the theme of Kiblix Festival 2011 invite international, regional artist, tinker, hacker, scientist, philosopher, educator, social science engineer and writer with a particular emphasis on swiss participants to discuss the format of " festival as lab"; in that :

- festival with educational focus aka festival as alternative means of self-education

- festival that has impact on a local society in a long term

- festival as laboratories for sharing of knowledge and hands-on collaborative making

- festival as collaboration and network of international artists and regional community aka living, making and eating together

- festival as build-up of regional DIWO culture

Regional impact of KIBLIX 2011

dejan, pei

Kibla as organizer insists on wide sprayed of experts involved to communicate, to present and to cooperate. Long-term structural concepts enabled by Kiblix activities, aiming to establish a significant impact on regional reconnection of interested group in practicing, acting, writing and interacting wihtin/beyond the field of art, technology, media and social practices. Recent shiftings by the mode of rapid and open communication, in which emerges a significant impact on certain opinion-making target groups in the central European region. A growing demand for more cultural services and intellectual products towards knowledge and skill sharing, that is dictated by target groups – postmodern consumers whose behavior results in search for particular symbols and value marks which define the proceeding as artwork and as well the aftermath as networks. These trends correspond with the level of education. Innovation of society is encouraged by artistic heritage, processes of creation, references – in other words, by physical and non-material outputs of creative production in connection with other activities.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Organisational Team

The making of KIBLIX 2011 - Organisational Team started with Dejan Pestotnik's | Producer (Kibla) and Miha Horvat's | Coordinator (son:DA) invitation to Marc Dusseiller | Liu, Pei-Wen | (SGMK) with a task to co-curate-ordinate the KIBLIX 2011. With the help of both local artists and students form Maribor this new born collaboration with a team of Swiss coordinators, workshop mentors and artists, we are becoming highly international and great expert group for the professional organisation of KIBLIX 2011.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Pre KIBLIX 2011 Collaborations

Preceding the start of the KIBLIX 2011 festival, we have already initiated various collaborations between Swiss communities and artists/initiatives from Slovenia/Maribor. Earliest discussions happened between Marc Dusseiller and Miha Horvat, in September 2010 (inspired by visits to highly interesting festivals, such as cellsbutton in Yogyakarta or Pixelache in Helsinki), about visions of alternative modes of how to run a festival, how such international events MUST have a sustainable impact on local communities and how sharing, collaboration and Doing-Things-Together has to be more present in an exhibition context (instead of final pieces of art on a white wall). This finally led to the invitation of the Swiss co-production and co-curation by Marc Dusseiller and the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society for this years KIBLIX festival. During the year, we also established other moments of collaboration, such as the invitation of Monika Pocrnjić to co-assist the "diy makeaway" workshop series during the Electron Festival in Geneva, April 2011, or the technical co-production, as a collaboration with SGMK, Maki3000 and Marc Dusseiller, of the JewBox by Veli&Amos, two emerging street artists collaborating already between Maribor and Zurich, exhibited in Perla Moda, Zürich (October 2010), and KiBeLa, Maribor (March 2011). Additionally, we could initiate another emerging Slovenian Collective, Marko Batista and Natasha Mušević, to participate at the poolloop festival (by anorg, who will also participate at KIBLIX 2011) and collaborate during the SGMK@poolloop laboratory in Zürich (July 2011), again to bridge different sub-cultural communities and establish long-term networks. Finally, we are already planning to intensify these pre-festival collaborations by inviting a group of Slovenian artists to join the SGMK SummerCamp (Homemade DIY Arbeitswoche in Gais, Appenzell, August 2011) and for the participation for the workshops at "Create Your World" (the children festival, inside Ars Electronica, September 2011)

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

KIBLIX Educational Program 10. - 23. Nov

KIBLIX Laboratory

diy makeaway - SGMK, Urs Gaudenz (CH)

During Kiblix, we are setting up the lab with following mini workshop : BitBadge, SMD Theremin or MenAtWork

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

omnimorph4D - Fabienne Mayer & Marc Widmer (CH)

omnimorph is basically an open plastiline movement to share creative thoughts outside in the environment where you are living - playful street art maybe describes it best. The installation omnimorph4D can be considered as a stop-motion-loop-machine. Visitors can create their own short movies with plastiline where the background of the movie is again an other movie, either material collected during the festival/past festivals or previously created plastiline clips. Therefor it's basically possible to reuse own clips and create eternal loops. The whole software is based on puredata and GEM, both are freely available and open source. During Kiblix, they will set up virtual installation directly from Tessin, Switzerland.

pin fabbing - donation by and Olsen Wolf (CH)

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Shared infrastructure is one of the typical driving forces for OpenSpaces, where people need to collaborate and use tools and instruments collectively. As a symbol to communicate this message the sharing of a badge (pin) making machine was donated by and has been given from hand to hand already in the pretext of the KIBLIX festival. During the laboratory phase the machine will be shared across town and be available to you whereever you find it. Additionally we'll develop a DIY pin printer from various hacked and recycled hardware to digitally fabricate, replicate, etch or grow 21st badges.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Bike Kitchen + mobile sreenprinting-sewing-workshop (AT)

BikeKitchen Linz is a non-profit D.I.Y. bike-workshop organized by an open collective. People can use the infrastruture to repair, construct, destroy their bikes, work, cook, connect, support, drink, eat, participate, etc. together.

BikeKitchen has open prices > people can donate how much they want for everything. The donation get used for tools, spare parts, rent,for the existence of the project.

Its a space for all people to feel free, so racism, sexism, violent and repressions are not tolerated.

important keywords: collective, plenum, consensus, Criticalmass, DIY, solidarity, Stencil, dumpster, literature, archive, bike-fetishism, bike-art, bike-fun, bike-kill, jousting, bikepolo, nightrides, demoperformance, actions, screenprinting, workshops, excursions, caravans, making and watching videos, collecting scrap, concerts, experiments of any kind

{mobile sreenprinting-sewing-workshop} is a similar project as BK, but instead of bikes you can do screenprinting and sewing

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

MariborMapping with Aleš Loren (Planet Earth)

Explore the sights, stones, magnetic fields and historie of Maribor. Make your own map! Freely and spontanously scheduled throughout the festival

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Days of Curiosity

Kiblix2011 - Share is in the Air invite primary school to university class to join our progressive interactions on site for idea exchanging, experimenting, implementing, creating, deconstructing, sharing, doing-DIY-art-making within the realm but not only art&science and art&technology. As you noticed, there are several sections to sign up, each section will represent a completely different stage of lab as performance, KIBLIX2011 Media Art Festival features "festival as lab, and and lab as culture performance", the main stage of the festival is the KIBLIX Laboratory, coordinated by SGMK - Swiss Mechatronic Art Society with series of diy makeaway mini workshops, all instructions can be found here:

On parallel, you shall rediscover several on-going projects, professional workshop, symposium, artist presentation in the same space and in its preparation, we are looking forward to have you perform with us, for the full program, please see :

Open Section for registration :

Days of Curiosity - section 1 //// Fri, November 11, 15:00 – 17:00

Days of Curiosity - section 2 //// Tue, November 15, 10:00 – 14:00

Days of Curiosity - section 3 //// Tue, November 15, 16:00 – 18:00

Days of Curiosity - section 4 //// Thu, November 17, 16:00 – 18:00

Days of Curiosity - section 5 //// Fri, November 18, 10:00 – 14:00

Days of Curiosity - section 6 //// Mon, November 21, 10:00 – 13:00

Days of Curiosity - section 7 //// Mon, November 21, 16:00 – 18:00

Days of Curiosity - section 8 //// Tue, November 22, 15:00 – 18:00

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

KIBLIX Educational Outreach & Interventions

marc, miha, monika

Small and mobile lab unites, a quick educational and production workshops, a fast interventions around the city, in schools, at kindergartens and in university. Sharing is in the air and education is a fundament. For festivals, production, discussions and dialog. For art and science.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

KIBLIX Professional Workshops


With these intensive workshops we will address a more advanced group of artists, tinkerers and hackers across the region to join the pre-festival phase, learn, share their knowledge and collaborate with each other. The participants of the workshop will be selected through a call and a limited number of them can be hosted, including simple accommodation if needed.

>> Register here

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Art in a Suitcase - Effi Tanner (CH)

short: Suitcases are the ultimate sign of mobility. For an traveling artist it‘s the easiest thing to have his work as mobile as possible. Therefore we will talk about traveling, exhibitions, organisations and different kinds of (Art)spaces.

long: Suitcases are the ultimate sign of mobility. They are normally used to transport personal things from one place to another. The workshop will turn it‘s outside in and produces small media art worlds inside the cases. For an traveling artist it‘s the easiest thing to have his work as mobile as possible. Therefore we will talk about traveling, exhibitions, organisations and different kinds of (Art)spaces. We work on individual positions in the endless field of Media Art in a framed set up; a suitcase. When the artworks are finished, we consider the whole city to be an exhibitionspace and we will use it as a stage for short interventions.


  • Build up new international and national connections
  • Know about different fields of cultural practice
  • Perceive the simplicity of traveling by invitations or call for proposals
  • Learn how to produce and show an Artwork (contingent on your knowledge) in less then a week

Participants: The desired range of participants starts from students over artists to engineers, whoever is interested in building his personal small Artworld into a suitcase.

  • Date.15 - 19 Nov, 2011
  • Time. 11h to end
  • Location. KiblaLab-1
  • mind and free hand

>> Register Here

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

YOU, in the center of the world - Tobias Hoffmann (DE/CH) and Pei Wen Liu (CH/TW)

If you ever wanted to know, how to control a 230V plug, send data over the local network and react to messages from the internet, this course is for you. The internet of real things is about connectivity. Connect your computer and control real things.

  • Tools : open sound control, networking protocol, PD, arduino API (software), arduino, wifi router (hardware)
  • Participant should bring along : laptop with wifi, extension power cable, recycled toy or electronic or non-electronic motro driven gadgets.
  • Required knowledge : ★★
    • One should know which version of operating system is running on their laptop (Linux / Ubuntu and other FLOSS OS, mac osx 10.5 or earlier (32 bits), mac osx 10.6 (64 bits), or windows xp, vista, 7.
    • One should know the administrator password/login of their laptop
    • One should know how to install a new driver, application on their laptop
    • One should know where to open network setting, open/close firewall setting
    • One should know where to open video/sound card setting

  • Date.15 - 18 Nov, 2011
  • Time. 11h - 18h
  • Location. KiblaLab-2
  • Requirement. Participant should bring their own laptop or two a team to share. (additional assistance on equip. is possible, get in contack!)

>> Register Here

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Digitalu Tranqulaisaao (In't)

Hacking into a loop/synth toy and make your very unique digital sampler for the road.

  • Date. 19–20 Nov, 2011
  • Time. 13h–19h
  • Location. KiblaLab-1
  • Requirement. Participant should bring their own laptop or two a team to share to make audio sampel. (additional assistance on equip. is possible, get in contact!)

>> Register Here

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

ephemeral listening: creative radio conception and production - Patrick McGinley (EE) & Udo Noll (DE)

what makes radio radio? this workshop explores radio as a creative medium, and works towards the production of final works within the context of framework radio's afield series and/or radio aporee's miniatures series. we will consider and discuss the concepts of broadcasting, collective versus individual listening, and ephemeral transmission, towards a broadening of our understanding of the specificities and possibilities of radio as a medium. the workshop will be lead by patrick mcginley, founder of framework radio, and udo noll, founder of radio aporee.

  • Date.17 - 19 Nov, 2011
  • Time. 11h - 18h
  • Location. KiblaLab - 3 (QuieterZone)
  • Requirement. Participant should bring their own digital/analog audio recorder and laptop (extra assistance on equip. is possible, get in contact!)

>> Register Here

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

FoldMe - dimension plus (TW/HK)

Contemporary origami has become a new way of stimulating creative ideas nowadays. Among its various applications, design, fashion, sculpture, architecture, biotechnology, interaction, engineering, and religion are some of the more profound fields that have been broadened. Fabric Origami Experiment Project (FOE) was founded by Dimension Plus with its vision of going beyond the limitation that’s long been implemented in the traditional industry. Their aim is to further explore the possibility in the society as well as a more abstract manner. This is an open experiment that welcomes everyone to join, and deepen its belief in folding anything imaginable!


Understand digital software by using basic origami folding knowledge


1. Yoshimura Pattern, Miura Ori Pattern, Diagonal Pattern

2. Intro to Tools

3. Texture, Paper, Garment

4. Application (Light, Interior, Fashion, Architecture, etc.)

5. Production (Craft ROBO)

6. Local Culture 1. Folding Structure Deconstruction


1. Folding Structure Deconstruction

2. Transformation (Parametric Origami, Rhino+Grasshopper)

3. Advanced Material

4. Craft ROBO 5. Kinetic Control (Arduino, Motor)

6. Kinetic Application

Software :

Treemaker The TreeMaker source code is released under the GNU Public License, which is included in this download.


folding is not only concerning about software also share concepts, for example,"Traditional origami is characterized by open-access folding patterns and sequences passed down orally or anonymously from generation to generation. Modern origami often features models created by designers. Many of these models are considered copyrightable material or intellectual property. Modern origami often prioritizes a puzzle aspect to the folding, and the challenge of folding a single square of paper without using cuts or glue."

  • Date.20 - 22 Nov, 2011
  • Time. 11h - 18h
  • Location. KiblaLab - 3 (QuieterZone)

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

NoTours - Enrique Tomas (ES)

  • NoTours* is a project by that allows editing a place with sounds. This means that you can attach sounds to a territtory and that later, when you go physically to that place you can listen to them. The trick is using our noTours Android Application that detects your location (via GPS) and plays your audios exactly in the place where you decided. *NoTours* proposes an augmented aurality experience. In other words, you can add a new layer of reality to your place. You can leave messages, tell stories, create geolocated concerts or just share your thoughts. More info at The objective of the workshop is an introduction to noTours platform and the composition of a digital sound intervention in the surroundings of the festival location (outdoors). The final result will be an Android app that people will be able to download to their phones to enjoy the intervention. Not only sound artists but creative minds are invited to join the workshop!
  • Requirement. Simple folding concept to advance digital pattern generating. Participant should bring their own laptop or two a team to share. (additional assistance on equip. is possible, get in contack!)

>> Register Here

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

FPGA (remote) Workshop - live broadcast from dock18 (CH)

From dock18 (raum für medienkulturen der welt) a workshop about FPGA will be *live broadcasted* to KIBLIX. One or two boards are available for participants to check out. Workshop is held on 19./20. Nov afternoon 2pm - 8pm. Setup at KIBLIX is organised by Christoph Stähli.

KIBLIX Festival 18. - 23. Nov

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Exibition, Performance & Public Intervention

all team

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Festival as a Lab / Lab as a Performance - SGMK (CH)

SGMK are but not only Marc Dussiler, Urs Gaudenz, Christoph Stähli, Patrick Kaufmann, Urban S.

diy makeaway stands for our mini workshops that we do at festivals and anywhere else around the world. all instructions can be found here (and more on the left under instruments):

During Kiblix, we are setting up the lab with following mini workshop : BitBadge, SMD Theremin or MenAtWork

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Labs in Dialogue - KIBLIX (SI) <-> Piksel (NO)

Gisle & Piksel team, Tobias Hoffmann, KIBLA team

  • Bike Kitchen, Ebli, Linz

Bike Kitchen + {mobile sreenprinting-sewing-workshop}

BikeKitchen Linz is a non-profit D.I.Y. bike-workshop organized by an open collective. People can use the infrastruture to repair, construct, destroy their bikes, work, cook, connect, support, drink, eat, participate,.. etc. together.

BikeKitchen has open prices > people can donate how much they want for everything. The donation get used for tools, spare parts, rent, for the existence of the project. Its a space for all people to feel free, so racism, sexism, violent and repressions are not tolerated.

Important Keywords: collective, plenum, consensus, Criticalmass, DIY, solidarity, Stencil, dumpster, literature, archive, bike-fetishism, bike-art, bike-fun, bike-kill, jousting, bikepolo, nightrides, demoperformance, actions, screenprinting, workshops, excursions, caravans, making and watching videos, collecting scrap, concerts, experiments of any kind,

{MobilWohn-Siebdruck-Nähwerkstatt} is a similar project as BK, but instaed of bikes you can do screenprinting and sewing.

During Kiblix, Bike Kitchen would have their mobile workshop around the town of Maribor....

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

inofficial nonhappening HackLab Showcases - (HU/AT/CRO/SI/CH/TW)

  • GaudiLabs (SGMK & hackteria)
  • I'MM_ hacklab, Zagreb
  • New Media Cross Border
  • H.A.C.K.
  • Ljudmila, 3d Printing, Theremin
  • Cirkulacija 2
  • tba, Graz
  • I love plants, Monika, Marusha, Spela
  • local Maribor scene...
  • Dusan Zidar
  • Nova Gorica
  • KMKG studio (AT)

inspired my mal-au-pixel.. thx!

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Mobile Art LAB (MAL) & Free Travelling Radio (FTR)

Artists, photographs, actors, musicians, free software activists ... hosting radio shows on Free Traveling Radio ( during the KIBLIX festival.

ACT (Autonomous Center, Cakovec – Croatia) and Mobile Art Lab (MAL) - Radio 98.4 MHz 18-23/11 Kruno Jošt, Milivoj Kuhar

FTR is project of free radio, mostly referred to as a “pirate” radio, which started in 2007. FTR visited around 10 festivals and events, with couple of days of illegal broadcasting. FTR brings a slight jolt in media landscape, and brings back the almost lost sense of collective production trough models of open microphone (microphone open to all), ad hoc program – talks, discussions, round tables that visitors are creating with the help of MAL stuff. Nomadic, modular and temporary, FTR tends to stay part of Mobile Art Lab proposal. Through its opened and ad hoc program MAL and FTR are acting together as social sculpture inside the KIBLIX festival.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Lumen – Drawing in augmented reality

Dominik Mahnič and Matic Potočnik Presentation of project development Lumen: Drawing in augmented reality. Saturday, 19/11

Production: Ljudmila, Ljubljana Digital Media Lab at KUD France Prešeren Trnovo.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Jewbox in Smoke - Veli & Amos (SI/CH)

smoke is in the air

»v ŠUM_011« - Visoka šola za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici / Nova Gorica University, Students & Mentors (SI)

Rene Rusjan, Luka Dekleva, Peter Purg, Primož Oberžan

What is needed to transform the creative processes in free connections between movement, sound and picture? How in this context describe (programming) and implement the interaction of different groups, eg. in the face "ignorant" child, "lay person" and "professional" artist?

Kako je potrebno preoblikovati ustvarjalne procese v prostih povezavah med gibom, zvokom in sliko? Kako v tem kontekstu opisati in (programsko) izvesti interakcije različnih uporabniških skupin, npr. v soočenju »neukega« otroka, »laika« in »profesionalnega« umetnika?

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Shaking hands with things - Nara Pfister (CH) & - Mirzlekid (AT/CH)

During the first days we want to collect material and acting-ideas from the streets, while moving through the city and the environment of the festival. With this things we want to do a performance. MIRZLEKID, Hansjörg Köfler (*1967) and Nara Pfister (*1981) are working as artist duo since 2004 in drawing, performance and installation. They are living together in Zürich, Switzerland. We take things up, which we find around our working space. By reacting to their characteristics, they lead us to act. We pass the things on each other and this generates a flow, which showes earnestness as well as humour.

Nara Pfister & Mirzlekid will give their performance during the opening reception of Kiblix+MFRU @ KIBLA, 21h30, 18 NOV, 2011.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Tim & Puma Mimi (CH)

band performance during the opening reception of Kiblix+MFRU @ KIBLA, 22h00, 18 NOV, 2011.

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Stahl aka Christoph Stähli (CH)



Source(s): KIBLIX 2011


chaired by Bojan Markicevic and Marc Dusseiller

What is "Workshopology"? Tough question, isn't it? Workshop is popular and easy way to say interactive "hands on" activity, which can induce learning or development of some skills. In this modern world we live in, lot of things are self-called workshop. The question still remains, what is good workshop? How to develop and implement one? It is both scientific and artistic process of performance creation with multiple not entirely overlapping outcomes.

The Workshopology symposium is hold by expert participants, and open to public observation and participation, meeting where people involved in different workshop activities will self analyse their own activities.

Get involved in our mailing list here: Workshopology Maillist

Confirmed speakers/performers:

  • Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Ljudmila (SI)
  • dusjagr, hackteria/FHNW (CH)
  • Escher Tsai, dimension+ (TW)
  • Effi Tanner, SGMK/ZHdK (CH)
  • Urs Gaudenz, digital super/HSLU (CH)
  • Špela Petrič (SI)
  • Deborah Hustic, I'MM/body-pixel (CR)
  • Dusan Zidar (SI)

to be confirmed:

  • Framework Radio (UK/Estonia)
  • Paul Prudence (UK)
  • Borut Savski, Cirkulacija 2 (SI)
  • Sasa Nabergoj, SCCA (SI)

possible invitations:

  • Natasa Vaupotic, Maribor
  • Mojca Cepic, Jozef Stefan Institute

Remote Sessions

  • Gorazd Pleninsic, UNIL (SI) through maillist
  • Brian Degger (UK) through maillist
  • remote: Andrew Gryf Patterson (SCO/FI)

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Lectures / performative presentations

Hacking Dinner - Remote eating with PIKSEL

spontanous/distributed artist's presentation in the laboratory

Soundscape Sunday Afternoon

miha, pei

Enrique Tomas (SP)

PEi (TW)

murmer (EE)

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

Theremidi Orchestra: Second Attempt (SI)

to make:

10x theremidi units

15x sajice* units

you need:

10x microchips 4011

15x microchips 4093

23x led diodes

23x piezo buzzers

10x resistors 1K ohm

10x cheramic capacitators 1n0

10x 9V battery holders

10x 3.5 mm plug-in panels

Theremidi orchestra consists of participants of TEREMINI and TEREMIDI physical interface workshop, which took place at LJUDMILA, Ljubljana Digital Media Lab in May2011 under the supervision of Borut Savski. They are generating sounds and imageslive with the help of theremidi interfaces and are connected to open-sourcetechnologies and free-software.

The orchestra's premiere show was at Mestna galerija Ljubljana in June 2011 within the exhibition Powered by Ljudmila and aired via the RADAR platform on Radio Študent and M3C Festival in Murska Sobota with "Public Rehearsal". Theremini orchestra are: Tina Dolinšek, Dare Pejić, Dušan Zidar, Tilen Sepič, Saša Spačal, Ida Hiršenfelder, Robertina Šebjanič, Luka Frelih and Matic Urbanija.

sajice* – Vive la Resistance aka NanoSmano Sajica – developed by Borut Savski and Marc Dusseiller

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

KIBLIX 2011 - Travel info

for those night train lovers.... easiest to book through oebb sparschiene, either to graz or villach and then do-it-yourself to mbor

oebb sparschiene

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

KIBLIX 2011 - Partners and Sponsors

please make a complete list so we can cross check all together. and add links


Supported by:

  • Swiss arts council Pro Helvetia

  • Taiwan Fundation for Democracy

  • KulturRaumSchaffhausen

  • Maribor 2012

  • NMCB

  • SI-HR

  • EU Program Culture

  • Urad za mladino

  • Ministrstvo za kulturo RS

  • Mestna občina Maribor


  • Ljudmila

  • dusjagr labs

  • anorg

  • dimension plus

  • dock18

  • K

  • piksel

  • Mariborska kolesarska mreža

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011

KIBLIX 2011 - Press

  • Ujeto v sliki: Naj živi Kiblix, Objavljeno: 30. november 2011, by Žan Lebe, foto: Milivoj Kuhar

Maribor 2012

  • RTV Slovenija 1, Kultura ob 22h, 28. 11 2011, MFRU by Petra Skok (> 3:05 >);;

  • Radio študent - article about KIBLIX & MFRU

Kultura > Fine umetnosti Kiblixologija v Mariboru (36 bralcev) / Kiblixology in Maribor

Četrtek, 24. 11. 2011 TinaD

  • Radio študent

Kultura > Art-area Art-area 181: Haroon Mirza / festival MFRU - Kiblix (35 bralcev) Ida Hiršenfelder

Sreda, 23. 11. 2011 mcolner

  • Martijn Van Boven - Shadow Optics (last 5 minutes) @Kiblix festival ... ► 5:47► 5:47

Uploaded by malinskovic great AV performans by martijn van boven shoot with nokia N8 camera@Kiblix 2011.

  • Interview by Žan Lebe, Maribor2012: Kiblix 2011: Share is in the Air (Dejan Pestotnik and Marc Dusseiller)

Radio About Radio @ KIBLIX radio

Free Traveling Radio – Stupid techno radio show @ radio KIBLIX

Miha Sonda o KIBLIXu

Dnevnik_Pei-Wen Liu, Večer, Kiblix

Around Kiblix fest

  • Monika & Pei Diary: V Soboto, 26. 11. 2011

File:Vecer diary.pdf

& announcements:

  • Večer (daily) V Soboto: Diary by Monika and Pei / published on Saturday 26/11
  • RTV Slovenija 1, Studio City, 14-11-2011, 21:00–22:00

studio_city_14-11-2011_2200.mp4 (265 MB)

Source(s): KIBLIX 2011