KIBLIX 2011 - Participants List

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International Artists

framework radio (UK/EST) - workshop

Field-recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen! Snemanje na terenu, phonografija, umetnost lovljenja zvoka, odpri ušesa in poslušaj!

dimension plus (TW/HK) - workshop & symposia

Devoted to the interactive digital environments, constantly generating new ideas that deal with digital and analog technologies. Predan interaktivnim digitalnim okoljem, nenehno ustvarjajo nove ideje, povezane z digitalnimi in analognimi tehnologijami.

Enrique Thomas (ES) - installation

Sound artist - interactive to other existing art forms - visual, computer performative - multifunctional interfaces expression Interaktovno na ostale obstoječe umetniške prakse – vizualno, računalniško performativno – vmesniki multifunkcionalnega izražanja.

»v ŠUM_011« (SI) - installation & lab collaboration

School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica - a collective of students and professors. What is needed to transform the creative processes in free connections between movement, sound and picture? How in this context describe (programming) and implement the interaction of different groups, eg. in the face "ignorant" child, "lay person" and "professional" artist? Visoka šola za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici – kolektiv študentov in profesorjev. Kako je potrebno preoblikovati ustvarjalne procese v prostih povezavah med gibom, zvokom in sliko? Kako v tem kontekstu opisati in (programsko) izvesti interakcije različnih uporabniških skupin, npr. v soočenju »neukega« otroka, »laika« in »profesionalnega« umetnika?

HACKING DINNER (CZ) - performance & symposia

future of dining Take this as an opportunity to network over DNA & food & design prihodnost obedovanja. Izkoristi priložnost druženja ob DNA & hrani & in dizajnu.

Invited Swiss Artsists and Collectives

Swiss Mechatronic Art Society – SGMK (CH)

The Swiss Mechatronic Art Society (SGMK, established in 2006) is a collective of engineers, hackers, scientists and artists that joined to collaborate and promote on creative and critical uses of technology. They develop DIY technologies and organize collaborative events, such as a yearly research-camp in the mountains and local regular workshops in electronics, robotics, physical computing, diy-biology, lofi-music etc. They run a public hacker space „OpenMechArt Lab“ (since 2009) and organize the international diy* festival, held every year in Zürich since 2005. They also cooperate with various socio-cultural organisations to hold creative technology courses at schools and youth communities. With the „diy makeaway“, a series of mini-workshops for kids and other open-minded people, they have been present internationally at various exhibitions and festivals, such as SHIFT Festival in Basel, at Copy!, Poolloop and Dorkbot in Zürich, CTM.09 in Berlin, CEMA in Bangalore, Cellsbutton#03, #04, #05 in Yogyakarta, ISEA2010 in Dortmund, Pixelache in Helsinki and many more.

SGMK bodo: Marc Dusseiller (CH) Liu, Pei-Wen (TW/CH) Maki3000 (CH) Aurelio Lucchesi (CH)

Effi Tanner (CH) - workshop mentor

Suitcases are the ultimate sign of mobility. For an traveling artist it‘s the easiest thing to have his work as mobile as possible. Therefore we will talk about traveling, exhibitions, organisations and different kinds of (Art)spaces. Kovčki so ultimativni simboli mobilnosti. Za potujočega umetnika je najlažje, da je njegovo delo kar se da mobilno. Zatorej bomo govorili o potovanju, razstavah, organizacijah in različnih vrsta (Art) prostorov

Tobias Hoffmann aka kiilo (DE/CH) - workshop mentor

"I've studied physics, special education, fine art and New Media. I am working in the field of audiovisual processing with an emphasis on collaborating with other artists by using interactive programs which allow real-time MM (man-machine) communication« "Študiral sem fiziko, specializiral s področja likovne umetnosti in novih medijev. Delam na področju avdiovizualne obdelave s poudarkom na sodelovanju z drugimi umetniki ob uporabi interaktivnih programov, ki omogočajo komunikacijo v realnem času ČS (človek-stroj)«

Pe Lang (CH) - installation

His work includes sound installations, live performances and compositions based on elegant and minimal kinetic systems, combined with different devices created by himself Njegovo delo vključuje zvočne instalacije, nastope v živo in kompozicije na osnovi elegantnih in minimalističnih kinetičnih sistemov, v kombinaciji z različnimi napravami, ki jih ustvari sam.

Nara Phister & Mirzlekid (CH/AT) - performance / urban intervention

A performance series of urban intervention in rediscovering life cycle of a city, about growth and transciense. Serija performansov / urbanih intervencij v kontekstu ponovnega odkrivanja življenjskega cikla mesta, o rasti in minljivosti.

Jonas Ohrstrom (CH) - workshop & sound performance

Musician, coder, co-founded of Sonicsquirrel, an groundbreaking platform to promote free music and netlable. Glasbenik, koder, soustanovitelj Sonicsquirrel, revolucionarne platforme za spodbujanje prosto dostopne glasbe in netznamk

Fabienne Meyer & Marc Widmer (CH) - workshop & installation

Tim & Puma Mimi (JP/CH) - band performance

Collective madness in making funky, playful electronic music. Kolektivna norost v ustvarjanju funky, razposajene elektronske glasbe.

Veli & Amos (SI/CH) - installation & intervention

smoke is in the air dim je v zraku